Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

"Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" is one of the masterpieces of French science fiction writer Jules Verne. Captain Nemo and his "Nautilus" traveled at a speed of 12 kilometers per hour during nearly ten months of undersea travel. They and his "guests" enjoyed the strange landscapes and various creatures on the seafloor; the trip passed through the Pacific Ocean, The Indian Ocean, Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Ocean, and Antarctica experienced thrilling stories such as stranding, siege by indigenous people, fighting with sharks, iceberg road closures, octopus attacks, and finally returning to the Norwegian coast. In this work, Verne takes the fantasy of the ocean to the extreme, demonstrates mankind's confidence in understanding and controlling the ocean, and demonstrates mankind's tenacity and bravery.


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Jules Verne (1828-1905)

The father of science fiction, poet and playwright who conquered readers around the world.

Born on the island of Fido in Nantes, France, he came from a privileged family since he was a child. His father was a lawyer. As a student, Verne excelled in geography, vocal music, Greek and Latin. He was passionate about adventure, fantasy, and reading, and began literary creation.

He studied law in Paris and met the literary master Dumas and his son when he participated in a literary salon. After receiving a bachelor's degree in law at the age of 21, he stayed in Paris. The one-act comedy "The Broken Straw" he created the following year was performed and published at Dumas's Historic Theater.

At the age of 35, he published the science fiction novel "Five Weeks in a Balloon" and became famous in one fell swoop. After that, he published "Journey to the Center of the Earth", "From the Earth to the Moon", "Captain Grant's Children", "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" and "Around the World in Eighty Days". ""Mysterious Island" and a series of masterpieces that have amazed the world. Verne's works are full of extraordinary imagination and astonishing. Today they have become recognized as insurmountable science fiction classics. Many explorers, artists, and scientists have even been inspired by his works and completed breakthroughs that promoted human progress.

After Verne's death, the French government set up a museum for him on an island not far from Nantes, and built a Mechanical Island Paradise based on his imagination that fascinated all children. On the Verne monument, his name and this sentence are engraved: "Toward immortality and eternal youth."

Weight 1 kg


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