DK Children's Discovery Encyclopedia - Julius Caesar

This set of DK Children's Exploration Encyclopedia has a total of 12 volumes. Through detailed narratives and rich illustrations, children can learn about famous people and events in history, understand the process of human exploration and understanding of the world, and understand each era on this basis. The socio-economic and political conditions of the people, and the living conditions of ordinary people at that time. Julius Caesar—The Great Dictator of Ancient Rome is one of the books in the series. "I came, I saw, I conquered!" You may have heard this famous Caesar quote. But do you know that Caesar, who regarded Alexander as his idol, was not all smooth sailing when he was young. He experienced a life of flight and was heavily in debt. But persistent Caesar finally became the consul of ancient Rome at the age of 40. Let us follow the author's footsteps to understand Caesar's legendary life and the ancient Roman era in which he lived.


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