raising girls

Starting with the stories of two girls, Steve Bidalph divides the five key stages of girls' growth according to age, and clearly tells the parents of the girls, the characteristics of children's development at each age stage, and what parents can do to help their daughters grow up from an early age. From childhood until adulthood, form a close and stable bond with her. The topics of this book cover almost all the problems that girls may encounter when they grow up, including peer bullying, eating disorders, weight loss, depression, and the harm of girls from the media and society. The author combines his own experience of raising daughters and a large number of cases to provide parents with measures and methods to prevent their daughters from becoming victims. No matter what stage your daughter is in, this book will give you the strength and passion to make the world a better place for your daughter. I hope this book can help you understand and solve the various problems girls face growing up, and accompany them to grow up happily.


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